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"God's unconditional love." Sounds nice, but is it enough? Is there more to God's love? Describing unconditional love as detached "blanket acceptance" and "benign affirmation," David Powlison challenges our common assumptions about the nature of God's love. Although wonderfully accepting, divine love is also intrusive, intimate, personal, and active. Instead of simply loving us as we are, God loves us enough to... $2.99 |
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What choice should I make? How do I know that my decision will fit with God's plan for me? "We tend to think that while God has a 'best' plan for our life, he also has 'cheaper' plans for people who miss the best," writes Petty. "But for those who are in Christ, there is only one plan." Petty explains that God's plan and our actions work in concert. With all the decisions we face and despite the mistakes we make,...
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John Coblentz
Word of God. True Vine. Son of Man. Rabbi. High Priest. King of kings. Alpha and Omega. Lion of the Tribe of Judah. We've read these names of Jesus in Scripture, but what do they mean? And what do they mean for us? This devotional study begins where John begins his Gospel: "In the beginning was the Word." From that great and unfathomable expanse we take our first step into acquaintance with Jesus of Nazareth. Each...
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Stephen Viars
How to Guide Others With Integrity How do you lead people? You've been called to a position where yo must guide and direct others, but you wonder what a good leader is supposed to do and if you really have what it takes to lead well. Who will direct you as you direct others? Stephen Viars shows you the importance of integrity as the foundation for leadership and point you toward a vibrant relationship with Christ,...
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John Coblentz
In a day of much confusion about music, this little book takes a refreshing and courageous stand for the truth. Music in Biblical Perspective doesn’t answer every question about music, but it does unapologetically address the basic purposes of music and presents the basic tests Christians should use to evaluate music. Carelessly overlooking the dangers and compromising Bible principles that apply to music can drag...
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A little booklet from Christian Light Publications about the subject of the atonement. Paperback,9 pages.
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Gary Miller
Why are so few of our neighbors joining our Anabaptist churches? Are we not passionately reaching out to them with the Gospel, or are they becoming increasingly indifferent? Does the problem lie with us or with them? To better understand our neighbors and learn how to reach out to them, the author reviews some of the calls received by Christian Aid Ministries’ Billboard Evangelism program. Softcover, 272 pages
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John Piper
A faithful guide to understanding and applying the Bible's teaching on gender in our context today. Whether read cover-to-cover or used as a reference volume, this book belongs in every church library and the collection of every church leader. Clear, biblical exposition and insightful application, combined with a gracious tone, make this book a rich, timeless resource to help followers of Jesus grapple with the...
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