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Most sins turn us away from God, but pride is a direct attack upon God. It lifts our hearts above Him and against Him. Pride seeks to dethrone God and enthrone itself. How can Christians fight against this sin and develop genuine humility? In this helpful book, Wayne Mack guides readers through Scripture and shows us how we can take steps to develop humility and diminish the destructive pride in our lives. Readers... $12.49 |
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"Judge not, lest you be judged" is one of the most widely quoted verses in the Bible. However, people often miss its entire point. The Bible does not forbid making judgments. On the contrary, a wise Christian show discernment and knows how to judge situations, behaviors, and even people according to God's Word. In this booklet Lou Priolo tackles this difficult issue, making the distinction between rash, sinful...
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David Powlison
What if your human parents were violent, deceptive, cold... or even just occasionally disappointing? Can their failures keep you from understanding God's love and having a growing relationship with your heavenly Father? Some say that you can't know God's love unless someone will stand in your parents' place, giving you a loving new image to use in relating to God. But is this true? David Powlison speaks...
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John Coblentz
Wounds and injustice, whether deeply painful or only annoying, stir in humans a dark urge to retaliate. Jesus Christ was an exception. And Jesus called His disciples to follow Him on a higher way. This book will guide you through a study of Christ's high way of love and nonresistance, from studying the Old and New Testament teachings to considering the practical implications for Christ's followers. Paperback, 186...
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Brad Hambrick
Clichés, glib answers, and quick solutions are shared all too often with those who are struggling to forgive or embrace forgiveness. We know Jesus calls us to forgive, but it can be hard to know what that looks like in complicated, messy relationships. Pastor and counselor Brad Hambrick helps readers to understand that forgiveness is the start of a journey that doesn’t erase the past, but honestly confronts hurt...
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Fitzpatrick & Hendrickson
Countless women struggle daily with depression, anxiety, out-of-control moods, and other troubling emotions. Will Medicine Stop The Pain? offers clear answers to help women handle emotional problems in a stable God-honoring way. The authors, both seasoned biblical counselors, include stories from real people and practical advice on issues like how to talk to your doctor. Read this book to learn: how your body and...
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