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"Judge not, lest you be judged" is one of the most widely quoted verses in the Bible. However, people often miss its entire point. The Bible does not forbid making judgments. On the contrary, a wise Christian show discernment and knows how to judge situations, behaviors, and even people according to God's Word. In this booklet Lou Priolo tackles this difficult issue, making the distinction between rash, sinful... $3.79 |
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What if your human parents were violent, deceptive, cold... or even just occasionally disappointing? Can their failures keep you from understanding God's love and having a growing relationship with your heavenly Father? Some say that you can't know God's love unless someone will stand in your parents' place, giving you a loving new image to use in relating to God. But is this true? David Powlison speaks...
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Dee Brestin
Making friends is one of the most basic aspects of life, so why does it often feel so difficult? You reach out to others, but they don't reach back. You think you've found a friend, but then they let you down or move away. How do you forge genuine friendships that provide the encouragement and support you need? With understanding and grace, Dee Brestin unpacks the dynamics of godly friendships and how to develop...
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Brad Hambrick
Clichés, glib answers, and quick solutions are shared all too often with those who are struggling to forgive or embrace forgiveness. We know Jesus calls us to forgive, but it can be hard to know what that looks like in complicated, messy relationships. Pastor and counselor Brad Hambrick helps readers to understand that forgiveness is the start of a journey that doesn’t erase the past, but honestly confronts hurt...
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Lou Priolo
Do you feel trapped by coworkers, friends, and even loved ones who want to pressure you into doing things their way? How can you escape being the victim of their control over you? Is there a way to discern the causes of manipulative behavior in order to avoid its effects on you and yet still maintain a Christlike attitude? Lou Priolo answers all of these tough questions and more in this practical booklet that will...
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Nathan Zook
As Christians, we believe all humans are one extended family descended from Adam and Eve. Yet we may have difficulty seeing a family resemblance or feeling a blood kinship with people from other nationalities, ethnicities, or races. Differences, real and perceived, can lead to fear and mistrust. My Brother’s Keeper discusses the history of race relations, looks at how Mennonites have responded to racial diversity...
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William P. Smith
Disconnecting to Connect Do you own your smartphone, or does it own you? How quickly do you pick it up in the morning? Do you check it multiple times an hour to make sure you know what's going on in the world? Do you find yourself turning to it first when you're sad, angry, or upset? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you're not alone. Why do our phones consume us? William P. Smith examines the why...
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Simon Schrock
Simon Schrock has written a gentle reminder to each of us about our duty to our fellow man. At one time or another, everyone needs a helping hand, an encouraging pat on the back, or simply someone to listen. One Anothering is an intensely practical approach to loving our neighbor, written by someone who lives by what he says and easily communicates this great need to all of us, prompting us to be genuine and loving...
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