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Side-by-side comparison of the King James Version and Amplified Bible Translations. Instantly compare the KJV and Amplified Bible (2015 edition) text side-by-side with this large-print parallel Bible. The timeless beauty of the King James Version translation is placed next to the wealth of amplifications and alternate renderings found in the Amplified translation to help you achieve greater understanding in your... $39.49 |
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KJV/NLT People's Parallel Bible-Burgundy
The People's Parallel Bible lets you read two of the most powerful translations of God's Word in one quality Bible edition. Now you can compare the time-honored King James Version with the clear and accurate New Living Translation. Get a fuller sense of the meaning of the passage by reading both a dynamic and a more literal translation. Conveniently designed in a side-by-side format, the People's Parallel Bible...
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