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Gratitude is a choice. If we fail to choose it, by default we choose ingratitude. And once allowed into the heart, ingratitude does not come by itself but with a lot of other seedy companions that only succeed in stealing joy. To not choose gratitude - daily and deliberately - is more costly than we usually realize. And when we do choose a lifestyle of heartfelt, humble gratitude, we are mindful of the benefits... $14.99 |
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You feel betrayed. Someone close to you has hurt you deeply. You want to move past the pain and your obsession with what happened, but how? The usual strategies-trying to get even, trying to forget-just aren't working for you. Perhaps it's time for a different approach. Jack Miller unpacks the different ways that people respond to betrayal and rejection and offers a new way to respond-forgiveness rooted in the...
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Christopher Ash
Is such joy possible without self-righteousness or even self-deception? Christopher Ash argues that it is, wonderfully possible, through the good news of Jesus Christ. Here is an invitation to rediscover your conscience and what the Bible has to say about it. Ash examines what the conscience is, what a guilty conscience tells us, the choice our conscience presents us, and the conscience's role as a guide, to offer...
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Steve Brown
You made a commitment to Jesus (or maybe you didn't), but now you are questioning everything. Is there a God? Are you really forgiven and accepted for Jesus's sake? It sounds too good to be true. And if the Bible really is true and Jesus really did rise from the dead, how come you don't feel any different? Steve Brown, a preacher, pastor, and radio broadcaster, has experienced all of the same kinds of doubts and...
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Steve Brown
Right now you are probably feeling guilty about one thing or another-what you said to your spouse last night, those unrelenting thoughts, something you did years ago and regret, actual lying and cheating, the places where you are struggling right now. What do you do with this guilt? Do you try to ignore it? Bury it? Would you like to know how to handle it for good, how to find true and lasting forgiveness? Steve...
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Robert D. Jones
Jones identifies five possible assumptions behind the longing for self-forgiveness and clears the path to complete forgiveness in Christ. Paperback, 17 pages
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Timothy S. Lane
Forgiving someone who has hurt you is one of the most difficult tasks anyone ever faces. In fact, it is so hard that most people avoid it at all costs. But when we don't forgive, we pay the price of bitterness that affects all of our relationships. Is it possible to forgive a great wrong and treat others with compassion despite the way they have treated us? Timothy S. Lane, drawing on his personal, pastoral, and...
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Jay E. Adams
What do the following statements about forgiveness have in common? -Forgiveness is obtained through apologizing -The best thing you can do is forgive and forget -You aren't forgiven until you feel forgiven -Even if someone hasn't asked for forgiveness, you can still forgive them These statements all represent popular misconceptions about true biblical forgiveness. Because forgiveness plays such a major role in our...
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